
In 2024, Rupert embarked on an exciting journey into rhythm cycling coaching, driven by a passion for bringing people together through movement and music. With a career in the corporate world, he sought a new way to channel his energy - an outlet to express, engage, and inspire in a dynamic and fun environment.

At the heart of this lies a deep belief: that individuals from all backgrounds and abilities can come together, united by shared energy. In Rupert’s classes, connection and togetherness take center stage, creating a space where riders move as one - a reflection of life’s collective rhythm.

Prepare yourself for high intensity, powerful energy, and the pride that comes from conquering your personal summit.

Life Mantra
"Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you. Be the best you can be, and give 100% in everything you do."

Your vibe
Expect energizing remixes, pumping drum and bass, heavy instrumental drops, and a dash of humor thrown in there.